Io wikipedia mytologie


În mitologia greacă, Io era o tânără din cetatea Argos, preoteasă în templul zeiței Hera. Tatăl ei era un zeu al râului, Inachus, descendent al lui Oceanus.

Now available on desktop browsers and mobile app. Io (gresk: Ἰώ) var i henhold til gresk mytologi en prestinne for Hera i Argos, en nymfe som ble forført av Heras ektemann Zevs.For å unngå at Hera skulle oppdage det forvandlet han Io til en vakker, hvite kvige. Hera forlangte kvigen i gave og sendte henne til det altseende uhyret Argos Panoptes som var dekket av hundre øyne. Zevs sendte Hermes for å drepe uhyret.

Io wikipedia mytologie

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Of the statues of Hera, which Pausanias saw in the Heraeum near Mycenae, the most ancient was one made of the wild pear-tree from the wood about Tiryns, which Peirasus was said to have dedicated for the sanctuary. In Greek mythology,Io (Greek:Ιω, "moon") was a mortal daughter of Inachus and Melia and a lover of Zeus. She bore Zeus two children, Epaphus and Keroessa, and became an ancestress of many great heroes of Greek myths. Io was a priestess of Hera in Argos, whose cult her father Inachus was supposed to have introduced to Argos.

Io (m.kreik. Ἰώ) on kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa Argoksen Inakhosjoen najadi, joka toimi Heran papittarena.. Kun ylijumala Zeus näki Ion, hän alkoi himota tätä. Toteuttaakseen mielihalunsa Zeus lähestyi kedolla Ioa valkoisen pilven hahmossa. Zeuksen mustasukkainen puoliso Hera aavisti kuitenkin tilanteen ja saapui paikalle tutkimaan asiaa.

The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion. Mythologie is a podcast that showcases myths from the ancient world and many different cultures.

Io wikipedia mytologie

Íó (latinsky Īō) je v řecké mytologii dcera argejského krále Inacha.Byla kněžkou bohyně Héry.. Záletný nejvyšší bůh Zeus se zamiloval do kněžky Íó a před svou žárlivou manželkou Hérou ji skryl v podobě krávy.

Of the statues of Hera, which Pausanias saw in the Heraeum near Mycenae, the most ancient was one made of the wild pear-tree from the wood about Tiryns, which Peirasus was said to have dedicated for the sanctuary. In Greek mythology,Io (Greek:Ιω, "moon") was a mortal daughter of Inachus and Melia and a lover of Zeus. She bore Zeus two children, Epaphus and Keroessa, and became an ancestress of many great heroes of Greek myths. Io was a priestess of Hera in Argos, whose cult her father Inachus was supposed to have introduced to Argos. Zeus noticed Io and lusted after her. In one version of the myth See full list on Io (was, in Greek mythology, one of the mortal lovers of Zeus.

She was one of the Meliae, whom were daughters of Oceanus.

Io wikipedia mytologie

Astronomie. Io, un satellite naturel de la planète Jupiter. (85) Io, un astéroïde. Chimie. Io est le symbole désuet de l’élément chimique ionium, autre nom du thorium-230. Informatique. Io Io (agr.

Io / ˈ aɪ. oʊ / (Ancient Greek: Ἰώ) was, in Greek mythology, a priestess of Hera in Argos, [1] a nymph who was seduced by Zeus, who changed her into a heifer to escape detection. His wife Hera sent ever-watchful Argus Panoptes , with 100 eyes, to guard her, but Hermes was sent to distract the guardian and slay him. Io In Greek mythology [1], Io was a young woman who was loved by Zeus [2], king of the gods. His attentions toward her aroused the jealousy of his wife, Hera [3] *, and both deities used their powers in various ways to try to gain control over Io. Mythology Hebe is the daughter of Zeus and his older sister, Hera, and was seen in myth as a diligent daughter performing domestic tasks that were typical of high ranking, unmarried girls in ancient Greece. [10] See full list on Io (mythologie) Hermès , Io (en vache) et Argos , amphore à figures noires, 540 - 530 av. J.-C.

Io wikipedia mytologie

In ancient Greek culture, Dike or Dice (/ ˈ d aɪ k iː / or / ˈ d aɪ s iː /; Greek: Δίκη, "Custom") is the goddess of justice and the spirit of moral order and fair judgement based on immemorial custom, in the sense of socially enforced norms and conventional rules. See full list on Melia was a nymph in Greek mythology and wife of Inachus. She was one of the Meliae, whom were daughters of Oceanus. She is the mother of Io and Phoroneus. Io Guardian is an Atlantean myth technology in Age of Mythology: The Titans that is available to worshipers of Atlas and can be researched at the Temple. Once researched, it upgrades the Argus to Guardians of Io, increasing their Line of Sight by+5 and decreasing their special attack recharge time by 40%.

Jména postav jsou převzatá, až na několik výjimek u článků založených v minulosti nebo u jmen, která jsou více vžitá. Zeus had an affair with a nymph named Io, a daughter of the river god Inachos.

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Ovšem Héra zjistila, jak se věci mají a Dia přemluvila, aby jí krávu daroval.

Bibliografie nicméně pojednává i o událostech, které se udály dlouho po jeho smrti, z kteréhož důvodu je autor uváděn jako Pseudo-Apollodóros. Mezi nejstarší 

Io as a cow stands in the background. Argus Panoptes (All-seeing; Ancient Greek: Ἄργος Πανόπτης) or Argos  Io alebo Ió (starogr. Ἰώ – Io, iný prepis: Ió) je postava gréckej mytológie, v staroveku niekedy stotožňovaná s egyptskou bohyňou Isis. Io bola dcérou Inacha ,  Daphne /ˈdæfni/ (Greek: Δάφνη, meaning "laurel"), a minor figure in Greek mythology, is a 79ff; for the episode as a witty transposition of Calvus' Io, see B. Otis, Ovid as an Epic Poet, 2nd ed., 1970, p. 102; ^ Translat Bibliografie nicméně pojednává i o událostech, které se udály dlouho po jeho smrti, z kteréhož důvodu je autor uváděn jako Pseudo-Apollodóros. Mezi nejstarší  S průměrem 3642,6 km se jedná o čtvrtý největší měsíc ve sluneční soustavě. Pojmenován byl na základě řecké mytologie po Íó – Héřině kněžce, která se stala   Podobné výrazy[editovat | editovat zdroj].

Note the eyes covering Argus' body. Io as a cow stands in the background. Argus Panoptes (All-seeing; Ancient Greek: Ἄργος Πανόπτης) or Argos  Io alebo Ió (starogr.